Upgrade your catalog operations
It might be an understatement to observe that the catalog sales business presents unique opportunities and challenges.
Even when the majority of your own sales are web-based, the unrelenting competition from online-only competition requires constant attention to costs and customer service. Meanwhile, the tactile value that catalogs provide also increases processing time as paper checks or credit card payments are deposited and orders filed. Keeping track of customers is another issue, particularly when catalogs are returned unread and forwarding addresses must be tracked down.
If your catalog business is fulfilling all these steps by hand, your costs are higher than they should be, and you are serving your customers less efficiently, too.
A custom catalog order processing solution
CPT Intelligent Technologies will work with you to create a solution — completely customized to your operation – that will allow your business to save money and time, and improve your customer service.
A pairing of software and hardware will allow your business to automatically:
- Open envelopes
- Analyze returned mail, including catalogs, and check for an updated address
- Gather and prepare information from checks
- Communicate with warehouse to confirm stock availability
- Facilitate order fulfillment
- Prepare checks for deposit
You will be able to fill orders more quickly and accurately, with dramatic reductions in mistakes, reshipping and backorders. Your new system can be ramped up to handle busy seasons, and scaled back down for slow months, with tremendous savings in seasonal hires.
Businesses that have employed CPT solutions cover the cost of installation within months, not years, while boosting customer satisfaction and addressing business problems that previously seemed impossible to solve.
To modernize your catalog operation, talk to a CPT specialist now at (908) 284-0900 or email Info@cptinfo.com